Faith Comes By Hearing and Hearing By The Word Of Christ - Romans 10:17
Our belief that the Bible is the very Word of God leads us to place it in a position of authority over our lives. In order to do this, we need to be studying it as a church body, in small groups, as families, and individually. Our goal is to interpret the Bible accurately so that when we go to applying it to our lives, we are applying what God actually intended for us to apply. God desires first and foremost a personal relationship with each and every person. This relationship is not based upon rules or religion but rather faith in the completed and saving work of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is our desire to portray God (in all three persons) accurately as well as the need and advantage of His friendship in a conversational way. Below are some of the most recent sermons. We hope you find them uplifting and helpful.
If you are unable to attend Fellowship Baptist's worship service, please feel free to log into our zoom page. We have upgraded our equipment so that we can provide a high quality experience for those seeking to worship with us wherever they may be. This link usually goes active around 9:15 AM on Sunday mornings.
Fellowship Baptist Zoom Link​
It is possible that this link may change from time to time so if you have difficulty accessing the zoom meeting, please check to make sure your link is the most current.
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Sermon Series on Church Membership
What does it mean to be member of the body of Christ? What attitudes should a believer possess concerning membership in the local church? How connected should a believer be to his or her church body? This series explores the Biblical truth concerning the believer's membership in the body of Christ and expose many common misconceptions people have about the church.
Winter Bible Study - Joshua: The faithfulness of God
Each year we focus on one book of the Bible for in-depth study. This year it is the book of Joshua. The theme is God faithfully fulfilling His promises through His people. It a study meant to inspire courage and faith in Jesus as He is our Joshua today leading us into His Promised Land. This study is a sermon series so if you want to be a part of it in person, just attend the 9:30 worship service. We'll save some seats for you and your family.