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Past Bible Studies

God is good!  If that's all we knew about Him, it'd be enough to praise Him for eternity.  However, it turns out that due to the richness of His love and mercy, He has chosen to reveal a good deal more about Himself, mankind and the world than just the fact that He is good.

Several years ago, at a breakfast with two brothers, they were talking about an issue in the Bible and I had a very differnt set of thoughts on the subject than they held.  They challenged me to lead them in a study and explain myself more thoroughly.  So, thus began what we used to call "The Men's Bible Study".  Of course, if I'm going to spend a ton of time preparing a study, I want as many people as possible to be a part of it as possible.  So by the time I got my ducks in a row for the first study, we have four men and myself attending.  Now in a church of Fellowship's size, four is nothing to sneeze at.  Yet, as the men starting talking and sharing what they were learning with friends, it grew.  We grew to between 12-14 men attending weekly and many of them were not members of the church but just friends of those in the fellowship.  

Then last year it happened.  The women of the church saw what was happening and wanted in on the study.  After five years, this was inevitable and a good sign.  Most of the men wanted to retain the men's class but many were wanting to study the Bible with their spouses and there were other women who wanted to be a part of this study.  So, we kept the Tuesday night study for the men while we opened up a Wednesday night study for everyone else.  It's the same study - sort of.  Due to the nature of these studies, I find it interseting that those in each group ask very different questions concerning the same text, thus it's pretty much a different study each night.  So we still have the same dozen or so men at the Tuesday night session but we also are having more than a dozen at the everyone session on Wednesday nights.  Of course, if you are in this area and want to attend, please be our guest.  You will be a welcome addition to the class you choose!

Now that said, here's the reason for this page on the website.  As new people join our ranks, they are interested in the previous studies and many of the participants make mention of life-changing truths they've learned through those past studies. So I am bringing back those studies, at least my notes for those studies (at least the ones requested most often).  On this page you will find the link to the notes from these older studies.  Since they concern themselves with the Word of God, they are as timeless as He is.  I hope you find them edifying and if you have any questions, comments, rebukes or rebuttals, send me an email and I'll do my best to field your inquiry.

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