Our Beliefs
Core Beliefs
We believe the Bible is God's Word and without errors. It is a love letter between God and His highest creation, man.
We believe that it's all about Jesus Christ: the Bible and life.
We believe that despite the sinfulness of all humanity, God demonstrated His love for us in Jesus Christ's death on the cross. God furnished proof of His love and desire to redeem mankind by raising Jesus from the dead.
We believe that God wants each person to be saved by coming to know Jesus Christ personally.
We believe that God's grace is the foundation for a genuine relationship with Him. Keeping the Law, good works, and performing religious rituals do not have any power to save a person.
We believe the local church body is the body of Christ in a community and tasked with spreading the love and light that Jesus brings to life.
We believe that a church should be a group of people who sincerely love one another and seek to bring God's power and provisions to the needs of those around them. We strive to be this sort of church.
Interested in knowing more about our beliefs?

Making Sense of Faith
Though we live in the world, believers are not of this world. We are ambassadors for Christ. This role may, at times, lead to some confusion or conflict with the world around us and its prevailing philosophies. The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention exists to assist us in our role as ambassadors by providing information that gives insight and defense to our faith with the events and trends of this world. It provides light for life in a dark world.