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Not Your Dad's End Times Study

The end times are one of the most fascinating yet difficult elements of the Bible to study.  There are numerous different camps or theories about the events that will wrap up human history and usher in eternity.  Rather than seek to indoctrinate you with one certain view or spend countless hours studying a multitude of different approaches to the end times, this study is going to focus first on the clear teachings of the New Testament concerning the end times.  Instead of handing out a chart with my beliefs on it, we'll walk through the Bible and you can discover what it says in "black and white" (or "red and white" if your Bible has the words of Jesus in red) for yourself.  After a proper foundation has been laid where we can see certain truths concerning the end times clearly, we will move on to the book of Revelation and the "less clear" passages that discuss the end times.  


What is interesting is that according to Jesus and the other authors of the New Testament who commented on the end times, this period of time actually began at the cross where Jesus died.  We've been living in the end times all our lives.  Jesus spent a lot of time through His teachings telling those who followed Him that they needed to be ready for His second coming.  What does that mean?  What does it entail?  Do we know when the second coming will occur?  Do we know what the conditions will be like that surround Judgment Day?  


One thing we learn right off the bat is that the Lord Jesus taught about the end times to encourage, to give hope, to guide and to comfort those believers who would be living in the end times (which we are all doing now).  He also taught it to give those who did not know Him personally the warning that human history would someday come to an end in an effort to get them to accept the good news that they can be saved from His wrath which will come.  Jesus came the first time to die on our place to make possible our salvation from sin.  Jesus will come again to planet earth.  Will you be ready?  Join us in this study which will also take place on the church's zoom channel.  Just tune in on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM (Eastern Time) through the link to the zoom channel on the "Sermon" page of this website.  

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