Fellowship Meals Resume
Starting Wednesday January 22nd, we will begin our monthly fellowship meals for the remainder of the winter and spring of 2025. Everyone is invited to be part of the dinner. Just let Donna W know what your contribution will be (and if you can't contribute, you are still invited to attend). We begin at 6:30 PM at the church and other than the January meal, the rest will take place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. It's a great time of fellowship and outreach. Invite your friends and co-workers, neighbors and family to join us . Mark your calendars now. (You know you will have an appetite on these days so plan on satisfying that hunger with your church family.) Come hungry, leave filled.

Adult Sunday Morning Study
We just completed our study of Genesis and will be moving on to the books of Exodus and Leviticus for the Winter of 2024-2025. This study takes place after the worship service around 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings. All are welcome.

The Gospel of John: Our next weekly Bible Study
Starting on January 28th (for the men's study) and January 29th (for everyone else study) we will begin our study in the Gospel of John. Using the same format we have done in our last three studies, the men who prefer a men-only format will meet at the pastor's house on Tuesday nights at 6:30 and the couples and everyone else who want to participate in the study will be held at the church on Wednesday nights at 6:30. There was a desire stated in the last study for the sessions of each study to be shorter. This will be the goal of this study. As always, if you miss a session, the notes will be posted on this website on Thursdays. I hope you will come and be a part of this study. As one of my seminary professors said about his book, "It is shallow enough for a toddler to wade along its shore but deep enough that an elephant can swim in its depths and never touch the bottom." We'll find that this unique gospel will be well worth the time we spend in it. Start planning now to be part of this study.