Current Bible Study
Gospel of John
The Gospel of John is one of the most beloved books of the Bible. Of all the Gospel accounts, John's is probably the most intimate in it's sharing of details concerning the minstry of the Lord while here on Earth. One of the distinctives concerning the Gospel of John is that it tells us specifically why John wrote it. After reading through the stories of people encountering Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry, we will see that everyone was left with a choice; that choice was how they were going to respond to Jesus and His teaching and activity. As in the other Gospel accounts, the love of Jesus is clearly seen as well as His compassion on all those who sought to find God. All those who accepted Jesus' love and message were promised eternal life while those who rejected Jesus found themselves under the condemnation of God.
The good news for us is that as we study the Gospel of John, we will not only come to realize just how important it is to respond positively to Christ not only for salvation but for every aspect of our lives, In fact, for the believer, Christ becomes our life as we become one with the Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. While there are libraries of books concerning the Gospel of John and one coud study it for an entire lifetime and still find new insights it is book that warrants a deep study as it teaches us the truth that Jesus Christ is not only God's Son but that He is God the Son, the second member of the Godhead. While many cults modify the dickens out of John to support their twisted teachings, the beauty of John unfolds gracefully and teaches us the true character of God Himself and of Jesus.
This book truly is a fantastic study for all people and I highly encourage you to be part of it by participating in either the Tuesday night (men's session) or Wednesday night (everyone else's session) of this study. Bring your friends and know that the simple gospel will be presented man times through the pages of this book. Since before my time (and that's saying something) the Gospel of John is the "go-to" book for a new believer to read first . When asked, "Where should I start reading my Bible?" The answer is unequivocably, "Start in John and then go back to read the New Testament from the beginning." My goal in this study will be to make it shallow enough for young believers to wade at its shore while mature believers can swim and dive into the book and never touch the bottom.. It's going to be worth your time. If you have any questions, please contact me (Pastor Barry) at the church office. Just know that you and whoever else you want to bring with you is invited for this fantastic, foundational study.