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God:  for the rest of us


Humble History

    Fellowship Baptist Church began as a home Bible study in 1988 under the name of Northampton Baptist Fellowship.  It was a mission of the Haines Road Baptist Church of Levittown, PA.  The five members called a pastor, Barry Webb, in 1991.  In 1995 the mission constituted into a church under the name, Fellowship Baptist Church.  We are a Southern Baptist Church.

Humble Hearts

    Fellowship Baptist Church has always been a place where everyone is welcome.  Our goal is to provide Christ-centered, Bible-based ministries in an atmosphere of love and encouragment.  As a small church, members get to know who one another genuinely are .  We promote authentic, honest living in the light of God's Word.  There are no facades or fashion shows at Fellowship.  Our goal has never been to spotlight ourselves but rather to go about doing good and spreading the good news to those in our sphere of relationships.  Jesus opened His arms wide to all who sought after Him and we seek to do likewise.

   We all have "past lives" but in Christ we are made new and want to share this newness of life.  The Apostle Paul said, "Brothers, I don't regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)

   Though we are all "works in progress", there is a deep satisfaction and hope that comes from living out this upward calling.  You're invited to join us on this journey of faith in Christ.  If you've wondered if you could ever fit into a church, you can!  Our members range from a variety of backgrounds.  Everyone fits at Fellowship.

A note about family and time

With the long communtes and busy schedules most families struggle to maintain, we want you to know that Fellowship Baptist is a church that respects your family and your time.  We don't plan many meetings, only the essential. Not every family has the same needs or the same time available so when you decide to attend, we strive to make it worth your time.  There are no perfect families and we all need help with marriages or parenting or dealing with aging parents from time to time.  Our goal is to walk with you, to the extent you and your family desires, so that we can "bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2)  If you would like access to two other resources with solid ideas for your family, you can follow the links below.




Frequently Asked Questions about Fellowship

What's the usual attire?

Whatever is comfortable and appropriate for the weather.  Whether you are more comfortable in "traditional" church clothes or jeans and a t-shirt or have a child who needs to be in a baseball uniform because he has a game immediately following church, you won't feel out of place.  If you are seeking after God, then you are in the proper attire.


What should I expect at a worship service?

Songs, both contemporary and traditional, will be sung.  Prayers will be offered up to the Lord.  An offereing will be collected.   A message from the Bible will  be presented.  Children, aged 5th grade and younger, will be invited (but not required) to children's church just before the message.  The worship begins at 9:30 and concludes around 10:45.  You will be greeted by members both before and afterwards.  If you have any questions, the pastor is available after the service.


Where should I park?

If you are handicapped or have other physical impairments or your family has young children, please park in the main parking lot of the church.  If you are able, St. John's has requested for the majority of our congregation to park across the street in the Notre Dame High School parking lot.  It's spacious and directly across the street from the main parking lot.


Can I watch the sermon over the Internet?

Yes! The sermon is broadcast live on Sundays over Zoom. They're also recorded and posted each week. See our Sermons page for both the live link and for the recorded sermons. 


Update on masks:  Masks are optional.



Pastor Barry Webb

Eric Prostko

Praise Team Leader

Sue Franczak  Treasurer

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